Carlos Fenollosa — Blog

Thoughts on science and tips for researchers who use computers

No more Google Analytics

May 22, 2020 — Carlos Fenollosa

I have removed the GA tracking code from this website. does not use any tracking technique, neither with cookies, nor js, nor image pixels.

Even though this was one of the first sites to actually implement a consent-based GA tracking, the current situation with the cookie banners is terrible.

We are back to the flash era where every site had a "home page" and you needed to perform some extra clicks to view the actual content. Now those extra clicks are spent in disabling all the tracking code.

I hate the current situation so much that I just couldn't be a part of it any more. So, no banner, no cookies, no js, nothing. Any little traffic I get I'll analyze with a log parser like webalizer. I wasn't checking it anyways.

Tags: internet, web, security

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